Qute Sun

Quantao's personal site to share chemistry knowledge, you couldaccess to this website by quantaosun.github.io

A Chinese platform providing free GPU - Baidu AI Studio PadelPadel

A tutorial for Gromacs protein-ligand simulation on PadelPadel

NAMD FEP with Feprepare web server and NAMD

An tutorial for FEP calculation with Maestro, Feprepare server and NAMD

Cloud FEP on Google Colab with Academic Desmond

An ipython notebook for free FEP calculation with GPU on Colab

Happy and Free Docking with AutoDock (Smina)

A free ipython notebook for docking and visualization

NAMD job control script for Baidu AI Studio

A csh script converting to a bash script

A python script for converting IC50 to pIC50

A python script for converting IC50 to pIC50

Absolute Binding Free Energy Calculation by Gromacs on GPU cloud

A notebook for running GPU based Gromacs on google colab

Pymol image making with local Jupyter notebook

A notebook for running ipymol

NAMD simulation with GPU acceleration on AI studion.

A notebook for running a normal protein-ligand MD

Absolute free energy calculation with Gromacs

Some shared file like run.sh are listed here.

Diels-Alder reaction-things you need to know

The classical D-A reaction discussed in many aspects.

Small molecule ligand relative affinity calculation.

Free energy input files set up by a web server

FEP patch scripts

Two scripts that could improve the Feprepare were provided.

Name Reaction Classificaion.

The book, Jie Jack Li name reactions was reorgnized by reation types, names and compounds names.

Protein-ligand water solution simulation tutorial by Gromacs.

Crazy detailed steps listed for gromacs simulation of protein-ligand complex in water solution.

Quick Gromacs Compilation

A dirty compilation and some de-bug process.

Don't work hard, work smart

Knime to make your life easier when process tedious work.

Gromacs installation, running and result analysis

This tutorial uses a pure protein without ligand to show how to do a basic molecular dynamic simulation quickly on your laptop.

PyMOL tutorial to make image.

PyMOL is a widely used visualization tool for proteins, membranes, small molecules, sometime, a high-quality image worth more than a thousand words.

Turn Positive to Negative

TMSCN as a masking group, can turn to the acyl group from "positive" to "negative".

Peptide docking problem.

A web server to improve peptide docking reuslt.

Break it to make it

A website to findout the "MAX" ring. Don't be baised when do your retrosynthesis


Remove the PAINS as soon as possible to not wasting time and resources in new drug development.

Win Respect with Stereochemistry!

Two tips help you be the smart guy in the room!

Installing Chembl Web Client

The official cheml_webresource_clietn installation method introduced.

Bash Inrodcution

Basic bash laguage and simple usage. Be careful not deleting files unintendedly.

Tutorial on FEP by NAMD/2.13-mpi

A free energy pertubation validaiton was carried out in detail, using namd-2.13mpi.

What is Free Energy Pertubation

General information about the free energy pertubaion and its logics in helping small molecule drug developmet.