Free energy pertubation patch script

Scripts for Feprepare web server

Posted by Quantao on January 10, 2021

This blog provide two script to improve the default NAMD input configration file generated from Feprepare web server. It is good to use this blog with the blog written on 1st December, 2020

Complex leg patch script

# This script is written for the purpose to do ligand mutation free energy pertubation. 
# I assume you use the web server "Feprepare" to generate "all" necessary input files
# towards NAMD simlation. The this script can help to change the "lambda by lambda"
# simulation sequence to "all lambda in one" simulation, making the simulation easier
# to handle and analysis later. The directory loactio to run this script should be 
# the "complex" or "solvent", respectively. This one is for complex leg.
##email to if there is any issues or errors. 

# It should be advised, the author of this scrpt only have priliminary knowledge of 
# coding, so use this script at your own risk !

############ NVT script modification ##################################
cp conf_complex/nvt_equil.namd ./
head -n 13 nvt_equil.namd > output1
cat parameter_patch.txt >> output1
tail -n +14 nvt_equil.namd > output2
sed -i 's/ionized.fep/ionized_complex.fep/' output2
cat output2 >> output1
mv output1 nvt_equil_modi.namd

############ NPT script modification #####################################
cp conf_complex/npt_equil.namd ./
head -n 13 npt_equil.namd > output3
cat parameter_patch.txt >> output3
tail -n +14 npt_equil.namd > output4
sed -i 's/ionized.fep/ionized_complex.fep/' output4
cat output4 >> output3
mv output3 npt_equil_modi.namd

############### Production script modification #################################

cp conf_complex/md_forward_1.namd ./

tail -n 3 md_forward_1.namd > tmp2.txt
echo "alchEquilSteps          0
    set numSteps            500000       ; # 0.5 ns as a total

   runFEP 0.0 1.0 0.0625 $numSteps" > tmp2.txt                  # overwrite the original Lambda0 Lambda2 format, 16 lambda windows

cat tmp2.txt >> md_forward_1.namd

#To comment lines 2 through 4 of bla.conf:

sed -i '139,141 s/^/#/' md_forward_1.namd                         #double check the line numbers.

head -n 123 md_forward_1.namd > outputA
tail -n +124 md_forward_1.namd > outputB
echo "source     ../fep.tcl" >> outputA
cat outputB >> outputA
mv outputA md_forward_1.namd
#################### To substitute the alchFile ##############                                                 
head -n 13 md_forward_1.namd > output5
cat parameter_patch.txt >> output5
tail -n +14 md_forward_1.namd > output6
sed -i 's/ionized.fep/ionized_complex.fep/' output6                  # correct the B column with -1
sed -i '/^alchDecouple/s/off/yes/' output6                            # turn on the "alchDecouple"
cat output6 >> output5
mv output5 md_forward_modi.namd

########Running the job#################################

qsub -I -l select=1:ncpus=32:mem=40gb,walltime=10:00:00 -M -m aeb
module load intel/ openmpi/3.1.2-intel namd/2.13-mpi

export Fuck_NAMD=/apps/namd/2.13-mpi/arch/Linux-x86_64-icc

mpirun --oversubscribe -np 4 $Fuck_NAMD/namd2 +ppn 7 nvt_equil_modi.namd > nvt_equil_modi.out


mpirun --oversubscribe -np 4 $Fuck_NAMD/namd2 +ppn 7 npt_equil_modi.namd > npt_equil_modi.out

# Production#######################################################

mpirun --oversubscribe -np 4 $Fuck_NAMD/namd2 +ppn 7 md_forward_modi.namd > md_forward_modi.out

Solvent leg patch script

# This script is written for the purpose to do ligand mutation free energy pertubation. 
# I assume you use the web server "Feprepare" to generate "all" necessary input files
# towards NAMD simlation. The this script can help to change the "lambda by lambda"
# simulation sequence to "all lambda in one" simulation, making the simulation easier
# to handle and analysis later. The directory loactio to run this script should be 
# the "complex" or "solvent", respectively. This one is for solvent leg.
##email to if there is any issues or errors. 

# It should be advised, the author of this scrpt only have priliminary knowledge of 
# coding, so use this script at your own risk !

############ NVT script modification ##################################
cp conf_solvent/nvt_equil.namd ./
head -n 13 nvt_equil.namd > output1
cat parameter_patch.txt >> output1
tail -n +14 nvt_equil.namd > output2
sed -i 's/ionized.fep/ionized_solvent.fep/' output2
cat output2 >> output1
mv output1 nvt_equil_modi.namd

############ NPT script modification #####################################
cp conf_solvent/npt_equil.namd ./
head -n 13 npt_equil.namd > output3
cat parameter_patch.txt >> output3
tail -n +14 npt_equil.namd > output4
sed -i 's/ionized.fep/ionized_solvent.fep/' output4
cat output4 >> output3
mv output3 npt_equil_modi.namd

############### Production script modification #################################

cp conf_solvent/md_forward_1.namd ./

tail -n 3 md_forward_1.namd > tmp2.txt
echo "alchEquilSteps          0
    set numSteps            500000       ; # 0.5 ns as a total

   runFEP 0.0 1.0 0.0625 $numSteps" > tmp2.txt                  # overwrite the original Lambda0 Lambda2 format, 16 lambda windows

cat tmp2.txt >> md_forward_1.namd

#To comment lines 2 through 4 of bla.conf:

sed -i '139,141 s/^/#/' md_forward_1.namd                         #double check the line numbers.

head -n 123 md_forward_1.namd > outputA
tail -n +124 md_forward_1.namd > outputB
echo "source     ../fep.tcl" >> outputA
cat outputB >> outputA
mv outputA md_forward_1.namd
#################### To substitute the alchFile ##############                                                 
head -n 13 md_forward_1.namd > output5
cat parameter_patch.txt >> output5
tail -n +14 md_forward_1.namd > output6
sed -i 's/ionized.fep/ionized_solvent.fep/' output6                  # correct the B column with -1
sed -i '/^alchDecouple/s/off/yes/' output6                            # turn on the "alchDecouple"
cat output6 >> output5
mv output5 md_forward_modi.namd

########Running the job#################################

qsub -I -l select=1:ncpus=32:mem=40gb,walltime=10:00:00 -M -m aeb
module load intel/ openmpi/3.1.2-intel namd/2.13-mpi

export Fuck_NAMD=/apps/namd/2.13-mpi/arch/Linux-x86_64-icc

mpirun --oversubscribe -np 4 $Fuck_NAMD/namd2 +ppn 7 nvt_equil_modi.namd > nvt_equil_modi.out


mpirun --oversubscribe -np 4 $Fuck_NAMD/namd2 +ppn 7 npt_equil_modi.namd > npt_equil_modi.out

# Production#######################################################

mpirun --oversubscribe -np 4 $Fuck_NAMD/namd2 +ppn 7 md_forward_modi.namd > md_forward_modi.out