Gromacs quick compile

This is a short tutorial of how to compile Gromacs, a-i, are the installation steps,

and 1-5 are the methods to get rid of an error of missing CMake. If you don't get any error

during the compile process, you can skip step1-5, but if you encounter a problem at step e, please

come back to run1-5 in order.


Also, it has been noticed that version Gromacs/2019.3 installation is problematic due to the

remote server of Gromacs ftp service, so if you encounter some weird error like some necessary

files can't be accessed during the compiling process, maybe just consider to switch to another

version and try again. As you could tell, the compiling process needs an internet connection.


The whole process may take up to one hour even everything is correct, depending on your hardware and internet connection speed.


a.  tar xzvf gromacs-2021-beta3.tar.gz

b.  cd gromacs-2021-beta3

c.  mkdir build

d.  cd build


Now, a very nasty error, especially you just installed a ubuntu system, "CMake is missing", the system will suggest you "sudo apt install CMake"

The system suggestion is not wrong but just not enough to help you out of that problem.

If you do like the suggestion, you may solve it, but for others, there might be another

error remaining about C++ compiler path not defined, etc.

So, I suggest you do like 1-5 as per below, then you have a great chance to have no error.

f. make

g. make check

h. sudo make install

i. source /usr/local/gromacs/bin/GMXRC

At last, as always, remember to write the souce line to /.bashrc

echo "source /usr/local/gromacs/bin/GMXRC" >> ~/.bashrc


1. sudo apt update

2.sudo apt upgrade

3. Go to ubuntu Appstore (I don't recommend you use the command line which will be tedious)

4. In the search bar, search cmake, and install it!

5. sudo apt-get install build-essential

Good luck!